The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation

Stimulus Package Support Call to ACTION

As you know, yesterday the Senate passed its version of the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act (The Economic Stimulus Package). The next phase is the effort to reconcile the Senate and the House versions of this bill. Negotiators are hoping to seal agreement TODAY after making good progress on the first round of closed-door talks, so we need to keep up the pressure with your phone calls. Of particular concern is Senator Susan Collins' (R-Maine) opposition to keeping $3 Billion for prevention and public health in the package.

We need to continue calls to our Senators to encourage them to vote for passage of the legislation. Please call your Senator TODAY. We also need you to call Senator Collins at (202)224-2523 to urge her to keep the prevention dollars in the bill, and contact any folks you know in Maine to do the same. It is urgent that you contact your Senator and Senator Collins NOW! The decision could come as early as TODAY.

Congressional Passage of the Stimulus Package NOW will:

  1. Create millions of jobs for unemployed and underemployed Americans.
  2. Increase and Extend unemployment insurance.
  3. Subsidize health care coverage for the nearly 5 million unemployed Americans.

Please contact your representatives TODAY by calling or emailing and ask them to do the right thing by the American people and pass the stimulus package now. To find your representatives email and phone numbers click here Call the U. S. Senate at (202) 224-3121.

Change comes when the people speak!

Please fill in your address so we can find your elected officials. We need to ask for your complete address because ZIP codes often cross electoral districts.

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation | 1300 L. Street NW, 2nd Floor, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005, USA.

Phone: (202) 659-4929 |

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