Black Youth Vote!

For 15 years, BYV! has successfully engaged and trained a new generation of civic leaders and political activists. Through BYV!, students, community advocates and young professionals have gained essential tools that enable them to lead their communities to participate fully in the democratic process, focused on attaining greater social and economic justice in the Black Community. As a result, BYV! can boast about their triumphs in reversing the downward spiral among young voters and educating voters who are increasingly disenfranchised and alienated from the electoral and legislative process.
Past Victories:
- The NCBCP Unity Voter Empowerment and BLACK YOUTH VOTE! Campaigns registered 200,000 voters for the 2004, 2006, and 2008 national elections. Trained over 2,000 youth as part of the BLACK YOUTH VOTE! program over the past several years.
- Black Youth Vote! organized (African, African-American, Caribbean, Afro-Latino) youth and young adults 18-35 in Florida, Georgia, and Illinois and the DC for field operations and online non-partisan GOTV and made over 10,000 online voter contacts for the 2010 Midterm Elections.
- Black Youth Vote! Coordinators in each state, coordinated with NCBCP’s Unity Diaspora Census with state affiliates and partners to engage youth in hard to reach communities well.
The YOUTH POLICY AND PROCESS (YPP) Initiative was formed by Black Youth Vote! in 2009. This new initiative and youth think tank of The National Coalition is a central part of our commitment to support the next generation of civic leadership. YPP is a broad coalition of dynamic, diverse, resourceful individuals and organization committed to reaching and educating youth about the public policy process that affects youth between the ages of 18-35.

Black Youth Vote! | About BYV! | Our Voices! Our Mission! | BYV! Advisory Board and Staff | BYV! Blog | iThink2012 Campaign